I do not recall seeingan announcement or Obituary of Leroy's passing-when did he pass on? Leroy Burgess was an outstanding soldier and one helluva a good M60 Gunner. Had a good upbeat attitude and cool in the midst of fire. Sad to see You go Soldier before you made it to Branson and will miss seeing you in Killeen/Ft Hood. 'Boot to Boot' Sergeant Major-you were a Trooper's Trooper and we are Brothers Still!
Thomas Crabtree (1966)
I do not recall seeingan announcement or Obituary of Leroy's passing-when did he pass on? Leroy Burgess was an outstanding soldier and one helluva a good M60 Gunner. Had a good upbeat attitude and cool in the midst of fire. Sad to see You go Soldier before you made it to Branson and will miss seeing you in Killeen/Ft Hood. 'Boot to Boot' Sergeant Major-you were a Trooper's Trooper and we are Brothers Still!
Thomas Lon Crabtree-C 1/12 1966-1967