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MOH D.O. Jennings
Larry S Holder Medic 1966
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Charlie Co. 1st Bn. 12th Cav 1st Cav Div Vietnam
Classes of 1965 - 1972
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187th to the 1st Cav
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MOH D.O. Jennings
Larry S Holder Medic 1966
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If you know where these Soldiers are please share our web address with them:
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Select Year of Graduation.
Larry L. Adams (1965)
Bobby Adkins (1965)
Jim Agustin (1965)
William H. Alexander (1965)
Larry E. Anderson (1965)
Ronald Anderson (1965)
Jerome Jr. Bacon (1965)
Thomas J. Bakay (1965)
Perry V. Benally (1965)
Larry Joe Bingham (1965)
John Blount (1965)
Thomas Bonica (1965)
Mickey J. Brinker (1965)
Charles Buckalew (1965)
Billy Carver (1965)
Stanley W. Cazier (1965)
Gene "Speedy" Chavez (1970)
James L. Cooper (1969)
Julius Cosma (1965)
"Cactus" Jack Craigen (1971)
Jack Craigen (1965)
Giles Crider (1965)
Brian Davis (1965)
Gilmer Davis (1965)
Robert L. Davis (1965)
Clifford W. Denis (1965)
Robert Diggles (1965)
Joe DiMartino (1965)
Chuck Ehlers (1965)
Ted Ehrlich (1969)
James S. Fawcett (1968)
Thomas G. Fields III (1969)
Ron Finney (1965)
Charles Fletcher (1965)
Collie Freeman (1965)
Tom Geduldick (1965)
William Griffin (1965)
Walter Gutzan (1965)
John Hager (1965)
John T. Harrison (1965)
David Hopkins (1965)
Gary W. Jarrell (1965)
Jim Joens (1967)
Comar A. Johnson (1965)
Dick Johnson (1967)
Thomas Johnson (1966)
David Jones (1965)
Dale Julius (1965)
Kenneth W. Kelly (1965)
David M. Kinch (1965)
Anthony F. "Tony" Lama (1965)
Melvin Lewis (1965)
Daniel Long (1969)
Dave Mariano (1965)
Donald Martin (1966)
Mario G. Mata (1965)
Van Meirsch (1965)
Jose E. Mendietta (1965)
Cliff T. Metz (1965)
William Moder (1965)
Michael J. Moran (1965)
Norman Mordue (1965)
Pete Murnieks (1965)
William J. "Bill" Murphy (1965)
Thomas Murray III (1966)
Alvin Nibbelink (1965)
Theo Odum (1965)
Al Oyler
Terry Padovan (1965)
Frank Pangborn (1969)
Cliff Pena (1965)
Alphonso L. Person (1965)
Wallace Peters (1965)
Cecil N. Pierce (1965)
Vernon C. Pilling (1965)
Ronald E. Pou (1965)
Kevin Powers (1965)
David Preston (1965)
Carlos Ramos (1965)
James P. Randes (1965)
Dennis Rasmussen (1965)
Albert Robb (1965)
Joseph Robinson (1965)
Richard Rousseau (1965)
David Rowe (1965)
Dale Ruhmann (1965)
Edgar Rumph (1965)
Michael J. Sandretto (1965)
Joe Schwaninger (1965)
Phillip B. Scott (1965)
Edwin T. Seki (1965)
Walter L. Sheffield Jr. (1965)
Bill L. Shine (1965)
Fred H. Simon (1965)
Ray Smith
Scott B. Smith (1965)
William H. Smith (1965)
Jeffery A. Spratt (1965)
William Staton (1965)
Minor T. Steele (1965)
Allan M. Stewart (1965)
Carl Stryker (1965)
William Studley (1965)
Dwight D. Taylor (1965)
Billy Thach (1965)
Alton Timlet (1965)
Charles Travis (1965)
Craig Troup (1965)
Larry A. Turner (1965)
Anthony Tyree (1965)
Kurtis Utt (1965)
Roger E. Vanzandt (1965)
Paul Wachter (1965)
Alexander Watts (1968)
George K. Webster (1965)
Patrick L. Whaley (1971)
Jerry Whelchel (1965)
Bill Whitmore (1965)
Thomas Williams (1965)
James Wilson (1965)